Moving to the Dallas area has been such a blessing for me in so many ways. I have a wonderful man in my life, beautiful children, and I get the chance because of my proximity to Michael's corporate office to try out new class ideas at the store in Southlake, Texas.
I'll have 2 series of Summer Camp classes. One the week of June 11-15 and another the week of July 16-20. The classes will be held from 2-4 pm and are open to ages 13 to adult - younger with an adult in attendance and my approval. I've also had requests for an evening class, so am starting a class Monday evenings from 6-8pm June 11, 18, and 25 and July 16 and 23. If there is enough interest, I plan on extending the Monday night classes into the fall or adding new classes.
The classes are very basic millefiori classes using simple striped cane variations, Skinner blends, and basic shapes. Don't let the samples scare you - these are projects anyone can do and are great projects to share with your kiddo home from school for the summer or take it with a friend!
There are a few general supplies that we use in all the classes, those include the following:
Clay/Pasta Machine - Amaco SKU #039672123816
Clay Tool Kit with a Clay Blade SKU #039672110595
Graduated Rotary Mat - Olfa SKU #091511300145
Wire Cutter
Round Nose Plyers
Clay Roller - Art Minds SKU #400100852521
We use a crimper to make bracelets for several of the projects as well, so picking up a jewelry tool kit that has plyers, cutters, and a crimper can be a good investment - plus the case is nice to keep them organized and handy.
Rainbow Stripes Earrings

June 11 2-4pm
July 16 2-4pm
July 23 6-8pm
Additional Supplies:
2oz white, black, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, & purple clay or one multipak (Fimo or Premo)
Head/Eye Pins
Hook Earwires
Accent Beads - glass, your choice
These are fabulously colorful and simple! They are made from a simple block cane of stacked sheets of colored clay that is sliced thin and wrapped around a tube of clay. I'll be teaching how to create your cane, form the beads, and then assemble your earrings. If time allows, I'll demo some other fun uses for your cane - like candy striped tube beads!
Stripes and Pinwheels

June 12 2-4pm
July 17 2-4pm
June 11 6-8pm
Additional Supplies:
2oz white & translucent clay (Fimo or Premo)
Head/Eye Pins
Hook Earwires
Toggle Clasp
Accent Beads - glass, your choice (school colors)
Silver Accent Beads - Bicones or your choice
Crimp Covers - Beadalon SKU #035926057272
Crimp Beads - Beadalon SKU #035926075368
Accu-flex Bead Wire - silver 49 strand
Need an elegant, modern bracelet to go with your new outfit? This class shows how to make some very, very simple square beads in your favorite color combinations. I'll show you how to put them together into a simple bracelet with some basic jewlery making techniques.
Fangs & Claws School Spirit Cha-Cha Jewelry

June 13 2-4pm
July 18 2-4pm
June 18 6-8pm
Additional Supplies:
2oz white & translucent clay (Fimo or Premo)
Head/Eye Pins
Hook Earwires
Toggle Clasp
Silver Chain with jump rings - Bead Landing SKU #40010090613
Accent Beads - glass, your choice (school colors)
This is a great class to sink your teeth into! How many schools out there have animal mascots - tigers, lions, bears, dragons, you name it! With a simple striped cane, I'll teach you how to make fabulous claws & fangs that you can coordinate with your school colors for jingling school spirit fun! It's so simple - make one for all your friends!
Floral Filigree

June 14 2-4pm
July 19 2-4pm
June 25 6-8pm
Additional Supplies:
2oz white, gold, and one other clay - your choice (Fimo or Premo)
Head/Eye Pins
Hook Earwires
Toggle Clasp
Filigree Chain - Bead Landing SKU #400100839478
Flat Backed Crystals - Create Your Style/Swarovski Elements
Doesn't this look hard? Not so! This is a simple application of any petal cane that only takes a steady hand. I'll be teaching how to use a simple Skinner blend to create your unique petal cane that you can then use to make fun filigree flowers!
School Spirit Paws

June 15 2-4pm
July 20 2-4pm
July 16 6-8pm
Additional Supplies:
2oz white(or black) & 2 school colors of clay (Fimo or Premo)
Head/Eye Pins
Hook Earwires
Toggle Clasp
Accent Beads - glass, your choice (school colors)
Silver Accent Beads - your choice
Crimp Covers - Beadalon SKU #035926057272
Crimp Beads - Beadalon SKU #035926075368
Accu-flex Bead Wire - silver 49 strand
Need a fun way to raise some money for your class project? Make simple paw jewelry in your school colors! It's an easy design and has wonderful applications.